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The Importance of Self-care for Mental Health

Ashleigh Larson • Aug 13, 2023

These days, we’re all about the hustle. We often fill our days with tasks, commitments, and obligations, leaving little room for ourselves. But what happens when we de-prioritize the one person who's present in every scene of our lives — ourselves? For most people (and maybe for you, too), it may seem a bit selfish to think or do “self care”. But, did you know that there is a great importance of practicing self-care for mental health

a woman is doing a yoga pose on a mat in a black and white photo

What exactly is self-care?

Self care, by definition, is a holistic approach to maintaining physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing. Ultimately, it means taking care of yourself in any way, shape, or form. 

When we neglect this essential aspect of life, it's often our mental health that feels the first ripple effects. Stress builds up, sleep dwindles, mood swings become frequent visitors, and life starts to feel a bit heavy.

Mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, are not just stats to be tossed around. They're real, they're prevalent, and they're
impacting the lives of millions globally. Ignoring mental health doesn't just affect our minds—it seeps into our relationships, our productivity, and our overall quality of life.

That's where self-care strides in. Implementing self-care routines, (NOTE: while not a magic cure), can function as a strong preventative measure against mental health struggles.

Types of Self-Care You Can Do

When we think about self-care, the first thing that comes to mind is usually the grand. The bubble baths, the vacations, and the like. But, as we stated above, self-care can be anything that relates to taking care of yourself. Also, self-care isn't a one-size-fits-all concept. It's about understanding your unique needs in each of these areas and taking steps to meet them. For instance: 

Physical Self-Care: Nutrition, Sleep, Exercise

Our bodies are our vessels, and if they aren't taken care of, every other area of our life can suffer. Proper nutrition gives us the fuel we need to function. Quality sleep restores and rejuvenates our systems. Regular exercise keeps our bodies robust and our minds sharp. It's a trifecta that forms the cornerstone of physical self-care.


Start by tuning into your body's needs. Eat a balanced diet full of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins. Aim for at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night and incorporate a form of physical activity you enjoy into your daily routine—be it walking, yoga, or dancing.

Emotional Self-Care: Processing Emotions, Journaling, Therapy

Emotional self-care involves acknowledging, understanding, and appropriately expressing our feelings. It's about building an emotional intelligence that aids in navigating life's ups and downs. This can take many forms - from journaling our thoughts and feelings to engaging in therapeutic activities that allow for emotional release.


Practice expressing your emotions in a healthy manner. Journaling is a great way to articulate feelings and thoughts. Consider speaking to a therapist or counselor if you're grappling with intense emotions.

If you or a loved one is wrestling with mental health issues, there is help available right here in the
San Fernando Valley. No matter the nature of your struggle, please remember - it's okay to reach out, it's okay to ask for help. If you're in the midst of a mental health crisis and need immediate assistance, don't hesitate to call "988". 

Social Self-Care: Building Healthy Relationships, Boundaries, Socializing

We're inherently social beings, and as such, the quality of our relationships significantly impacts our mental health. Social self-care involves cultivating healthy relationships, setting boundaries, and spending time with those who uplift us. It also means recognizing when we need to step back and take some time for ourselves.


Foster connections with people who energize you and respect your boundaries. Engage in activities that promote interaction with others—join clubs, participate in community events, or organize meet-ups with friends.

Intellectual Self-Care: Continuous Learning, Mindfulness, Meditation

Never underestimate the power of a stimulated mind. Intellectual self-care involves activities that challenge our minds and expand our knowledge and creativity. Whether it's diving into a new book, exploring a hobby, or engaging in mindfulness exercises and meditation, intellectual self-care fosters a sense of achievement and satisfaction.


Dedicate time to stimulate your mind. Read books, pursue hobbies, or try new experiences. Practicing mindfulness or meditation can help you become more in tune with your thoughts and surroundings.

Spiritual Self-Care: Connection to Larger Purposes, Values, Faith

Finally, spiritual self-care is about connecting with our core beliefs and values. It's about finding purpose and meaning in our actions and understanding our place in the world. This could be through faith, but also through activities like volunteering, spending time in nature, or self-reflection.

Here are some more day to day tips to for easy-to-incorporate self-care practices:

  • Start your day with a mindfulness practice, such as deep breathing or a short meditation.
  • Incorporate short exercise breaks into your day, such as a quick walk or a few stretches.
  • Make time each week for an activity you love that stimulates your mind or soothes your soul.
  • Set boundaries on your time, learn to say "no" when necessary.
  • Practice gratitude daily, note down things you're grateful for.

Join the Movement with FundaMental Change: Empowering San Fernando Valley's Community Through Mental Health Advocacy and Education

Your mental health journey isn't a path you need to walk alone. Angela Padilla, raised in San Fernando Valley and intimately familiar with the challenges of living with and caring for someone with mental illness, turned her personal experience into a commitment to make a difference. As a result, FundaMental Change was born. This organization, born out of empathy and nurtured with knowledge, brings together policy leaders, community stalwarts, grassroots champions, and residents to address mental health issues head-on.

Whether you're battling mental health concerns, caring for a loved one, or simply want to be more informed, FundaMental Change has initiatives to support you. From the Annual Mental Health Symposium held every May during Mental Health Awareness Month, to the enlightening community conversations in our Sip of Hope series, and the practical Mental Health First Aid Training sessions - there's an avenue for you to learn, share, and grow.

Don't hesitate to take advantage of our
free mental health resources.

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